jeudi 27 novembre 2014

La compagnie aérienne « Qatar Airways » recrute des hôtesses de l’air

Qatar Airways Offers

Dream Job Interviews in Tunis "QATAR AIRWAYS"

Position : Airlines CABIN CREW ------- Travel the world now!

Free: Visa + Airlines Ticket + Recruitment Fees, all covered by the employer for the selected candidates, totally free to apply and join.

Join the award winning 5-stars multinational CABIN CREW team

See details on our site and APPLY HERE:

You will be FITTING IF:

- Age between 21-35 years old

- Males and Females

- No visible tattoos, no blemishes, no scars on the arms, hands, legs and neck

- Fluency in English (verbal & written)

- Minimum 158 cm in height (without shoes) for females

- Minimum 168 cm in height for males

- Weight in proportion to height

- Minimum 12 years of formal full time education


- Motivating salary

Please remember to click the link and fill all fields and provide clear full photo and all possible fields:

Click here: